The Problem
Fibromyalgia is a problem that causes pain and discomfort due to tightening of muscles at various points including neck, shoulders, back, hips, and knees. While it is not as common as arthritis, it is still faced by around 10 percent of adult population in the US. Pain and soreness are not the only discomfort caused by this issue. It can trigger various other health conditions such as insomnia, depression, and difficulty in memorizing or processing information.
Fibromyalgia causes severe pain or soreness all across the body. Most patients also complain about constant or episodic headaches, and digestive disorders. The worst part is, Fibromyalgia is a difficult condition to diagnose. It requires expertise that goes beyond what a general physician may possess. At My Pain Clinic, we are proud of having a team of professionals who hold expertise in dealing with Fibromyalgia patients.

The Causes – Finding the Reason behind the Problem
The causes of fibromyalgia are unclear. They may be different in different people. Fibromyalgia may run in families. There likely are certain genes that can make people more prone to getting fibromyalgia and the other health problems that can occur with it. Genes alone, though, do not cause fibromyalgia.As we mentioned, a wide array of symptoms are associated with Fibromyalgia, pain is just one of them. It will take a higher level of expertise to tell whether your skin irritation or bowel dysfunction is due to Fibromyalgia or not. Therefore, when treating Fibromyalgia, causes are actually more important than the symptoms.
Fibromyalgia can be caused by a number of reasons and knowing your reason is the very first step towards proper treatment and prevention. At My Pain Clinic, our experts conduct various tests as well as consultation sessions to diagnose your trigger for Fibromyalgia. Some of the possibilities include:
- An injury or infection
- A surgery or medical treatment
- Giving birth
- Emotional distress
- Chemical imbalance
- Genetics
- Another associated condition such as arthritis
Who Gets Fibromyalgia
According to studies, women are more likely to suffer from fibromyalgia as compared to men. Generally, it starts in middle adulthood but teens and elderly may also suffer from it. In rare cases, fibromyalgia can also cause widespread body pain and fatigue in younger children.
People who have rheumatic diseases are at a higher risk of fibromyalgia. These include osteoarthritis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and heart issues that affect the joints, bones, and muscles.
The Treatment – Relief and Prevention
Proper Diagnosis
Understanding these conditions and causes helps in diagnosing Fibromyalgia while avoiding misdiagnosis. The very first step of diagnosis includes ruling out other conditions that may cause similar pain and suffering. These conditions mainly include rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Once these symptoms are ruled out, our experts will check if your pain fulfills two main criteria of Fibromyalgia.

The treatment depends on various factors including the causes, trigger, or severity of your pain. At My Pain Clinic, our comprehensive diagnosis helps us create a customized treatment plan for each patient that includes: