The human body faces many changes over the periods of time due to stress factors these days. The stress factors do not only include depression, tension or anxiety but also encircle physical, environmental and bad eating resulting in bodily paints. My Pain Clinic specializes in getting to the root cause of the problem and eradicating it so that the problem does not get trickled down any deeper or would have caused more damage that leads to surgical solutions. We at My Pain Clinic observe strict adherence to the advanced medicinal and physiological treatments for our patients to enable them to get rid of the stressful mid back pains.

Causes of Mid Back Pain
The onset of mid back pain takes time as it stiffens the muscles tissues of different parts of the body spread over and around the spinal cord, vertebrae, cervix and shoulder blade areas. Mostly the causes of such strenuous Mid Back Pain include:
- Overuse of the muscles that involve weightlifting, bending or flexing on repetitive basis
- A surgery or medical treatment
- Muscle strain due to bad or risky angle that can be even due to the bending of foot at unjust angle that triggers the nerves that travel down to the spinal cord where the receptors having stimulus of causing pain, are present.
- Injury to the muscles and ligaments due to some accident, or unaware turning and twisting of the back
- Twitch to the muscles, ligaments, and discs that support the spine
- Unnecessary pressure born by the spinal nerves can also lead to sciatica or herniated disc that is extended form of Mid Back Pain if left ignored and unattended
- A fracture of one of the vertebrae can also cause mid back pain
Symptoms of severe mid back pain that must be cured with accurate prompt medical treatment include:
- Numbness of the shoulders, or arms, or legs, or shoulder blade muscles
- Weakness in standing or doing work
- Tingling sensations in body parts supporting movements
- Having problems in sitting and changing postures every once in a while
- Stiffness of back while bending or flexing or picking up an object from the floor
- Pain in twisting the waist or taking big steps, or during a strenuous physical activity like doing any sport
Non-surgical methods of treating Mid Back Pain
At My Pain Clinic, we believe in getting to the right solutions to the patients. This is only possible when the problem is identified, examined and studied upon. Our expert doctors spend time by talking out to the patients, making them undergo different stress tests that involve both mental and physical fatigue. After diagnosing the problem, we devise proper and complete treatment of mid back pain to end it from the base levels.
Several methods of treatment are there for the middle back pain:
- Icing the affected painful area that gives spontaneous heat to the affected muscles and the heat receptors travel faster than the pain receptors to the brain, which soothes the pain stimulus sent to the brain.
- Counter pain oral medications which include ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve) which help in reducing the swelling and ultimately relieving the muscles from the pain.
- Stretching and strengthening of the back muscles by following exercises under the administration of trainers such as yoga.
- Physiotherapy that stretches the muscles also support by heat waves that reposition and adjust the muscles, ligaments and nerves.