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Fibromyalgia is a disorder affecting a large number of people worldwide. Despite all the advancements in the medical field, its origin is still unknown. A person with fibromyalgia feels pain even when there are no apparent signs of any illness, injury, or inflammation.

Since the underlying mechanism is unknown, the Fibromyalgia treatment is focused on the pain rather than the cause. Several medical and natural remedies are available that can help with fibromyalgia pain.

Medical Treatment:

Many prescription drugs can help relieve fibromyalgia pain, including:

    1. Over-the-counter Drugs: Many OTC pain killers such as NSAIDs and paracetamol, help relieve the pain. However, if they fail to work, stronger pain killers are prescribed.
    2. Fibromyalgia Drugs: FDA has approved three drugs particularly meant for fibromyalgia. These include:
      • Pregabalin: To depress hyperactive nerves involved in pain.
      • Milnacipran: It acts on neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine ultimately dampening the pain signals.
      • Duloxetine: It also works on the same neurotransmitters and reduces pain.
    3. Sleeping Aids: Sleeping pills can help improve the discomfort as sleep deprivation makes it worse, and people with fibromyalgia usually have difficulty sleeping.
    4. Antidepressants: Some studies suggest that low levels of a neurotransmitter called serotonin can cause fibromyalgia. Antidepressants such as SSRIs increase the level of this neurotransmitter, thus helping reduce pain.
    5. Non-narcotic Pain Relievers: More potent than OTC pain killers, drugs like tramadol can be used to treat pain. However, they can be addictive.
    6. Narcotic Analgesics: These are used as the last resort, as these are highly addictive drugs. They alter the way the brain responds to pain. Their use is highly monitored, under the supervision of an expert.

Must read: What is a Pain Management Contract for Chronic Pain Treatment?

Natural Remedies:

  1. Therapy: Therapy can help with fibromyalgia pain as it can alter the way they perceive the pain i-e severe or bearable. Stress and having no one to turn to can make the pain worse. Therapy can also teach them how to cope with fibromyalgia pain effectively.
  2. Exercise: Studies suggest a strong link between a sedentary lifestyle and chronic pain disorders, including fibromyalgia. Exercising daily can generally improve health as well as symptoms of fibromyalgia.
  3. Diet: There is a possibility that fibromyalgia is linked to chronic inflammation, so eating a balanced and anti-inflammatory diet can help.
  4. Stress Management: Stress can make any disease worse. Learning to manage stress can improve symptoms.
  5. Dietary Supplements: Taking nutritional supplements can help treat the deficiency of several vitamins and minerals, which may be a contributing factor for pain. However, it is recommended to consult your physician first to find out what types of deficiencies exist.
  6. Meditation: Taking some time out for yourself and relaxing can help improve the pain a great deal. Studies have suggested that mindfulness improved the symptoms of fibromyalgia in women.
  7. Relaxing Therapies: You can opt for additional support such as acupuncture, massage, biofeedback, etc. Studies have suggested their effectiveness in several individuals; however, they may not work the same for everyone.
  8. Lifestyle Changes: Lifestyle changes such as a healthy routine, waking and sleeping in time, and maintaining the right posture can help.
  9. Having Enough Sleep: Make sure you are well rested to experience the symptoms at their minimum.
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