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The neck is an essential part of the human body, comprising spinal bones, muscles, and other tissue. Unlike some other crucial parts of the body, the neck is exposed and at risk of injury. The neck is also prone to straining because people move it constantly throughout the day. The Human neck is made up of vertebrae that extend from the skull to the upper torso. The Cervical discs absorb shock between the bones. The bones, ligaments, and muscles of your neck combined, support your head and allow for motion. Any abnormalities, inflammation, or injury can cause neck pain or stiffness. It is also common for a person to experience pain in connected areas, such as the shoulders, back, jaw, and head. The neck and spinal cord are connected and makeup to hold and support the head if neck suffers any impact it can cause really bad pain. Although the intensity of the pain can be from mild to moderate to intense, depending on the impact and what caused it. The causes of neck pain may differ. Some can be treated with home remedies like taking a hot shower if the pain is mild, in severe cases a doctor’s help and treatment is required.

Here are a few causes of neck pain:

Degeneration or wear and tear
Gradual wear and tear may cause pain on the right side of the neck. The vertebrae and discs in the neck will wear down as the individual ages. As they degenerate, a person may experience chronic, or persistent, pain in the neck. Some medical conditions can also cause the vertebrae, discs, and other parts of the neck to break down.

Bad sleeping position
It is sometimes experienced by many to wake up feeling stiffness or pain in the shoulders, back, or neck. The sleeping position that people adopt, the number of pillows that they use, and the firmness of the mattress can all have a say in how they feel waking up in the morning, however, it can be relieved by the use of painkiller or a hot soothing bath. Falling asleep with either a lack of support for the head or the neck out of alignment increases the likelihood of waking up with a sore neck.

Non-specific neck pain
In some cases, it is difficult to correctly point out the exact cause of neck pain. Neck pain without an apparent cause often results from a minor sprain or tears to the muscle tissue. This type of pain is the most common neck pain. The pain can sometimes be due to poor posture. Holding the neck out of alignment for extended periods can strain the muscles. This is particularly true when a person is bent forward over their work for several hours during the day, using a computer while the head is bent forward and a cushion is not supporting your back or not having a correct posture.

Stress and anxiety
Stress may cause the muscles to get tightened. People often talk about holding tension in their neck and back, and they may feel pain from the excess strain.

Sudden-onset or acute torticollis
Torricelli is a medical condition in which the head becomes twisted to one side. It can be very painful to try to straighten out the head. The cause of torticollis is not always known. Doctors suspect that most cases are due to minor ligament or muscle sprains in the neck, although exposing the neck to cold temperatures for an extended period could also be a cause. Torticollis often occurs overnight, meaning that a person will have no symptoms when they go to bed but will wake up unable to move their neck. In most cases, the pain will subside after a few days and movement will return to normal.

Brachial plexus injury
If the nerves connecting the spinal cord to the hands are damaged, it may cause neck pain. The brachial plexus is a collection of nerves that connect the spinal cord in the neck to the hands. If an injury to the neck affects the brachial plexus, pain may also occur in the hand. A common cause of injury to the brachial plexus is blunt force trauma, which can happen as a result of a sporting injury or car accident.

Rare causes of right side neck pain
There are less common causes of neck pain that may be more severe. These may include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Serious injury
  • Damage to the nerves, vertebrae, or spinal cord
  • Infections
  • Bone disorders

If the above mentioned are the cases, then you should go suddenly see a doctor. If you don’t see a doctor and the neck pain prolongs then the consequences might be severe.

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