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Ligaments are the flexible fibrous connective tissues. Ankle Ligaments help to stabilize the joint and keep the bones in position. Ankle joints are the hinge joints, that means it allows the movement to upward and downward. The ligaments on the ankle joint are strong. The inside ligament called as deltoid and the outside ligament is called lateral ligament. Mostly the lateral ankle ligament damage because of the ankle sprain. The ankle may become unstable after the surgery if there is a complete tear of the ligaments. This can lead to bones and cartilage damage to the ankle joint.

Causes of ankle ligament injuries might include:

  • If a person walks or exercises on an uneven surface.
  • If your ankle twisted by falling.
  • Landing in an unbalanced position on your foot after jumping
  • Another person steps on your foot.

What are the symptoms of ankle ligament damage?

The most common symptoms of ankle ligament damage are:

  • Tenderness in the ankle when you touch it.
  • It is swelling on the ankle or foot.
  • Bruising on the ankle.
  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Instability of the ankle

How to fix ankle ligament damage?

Most of the ligament damage usually settles with self-care, if it doesn’t, then the physician suggests an MRI scan. It will diagnose the severity and also identify the damage to nearby joints and tendons.

For milder sprains, your doctor may recommend rest and self-care at home. There is a RICE protocol that should be followed after the injury as soon as possible.

Rest as much as you can. Avoid walking

Apply the ice packs, and it will keep the swelling down. Keep a barrier such (cloth, pad, towel, etc.) between the ice and your skin. It can be used three to four times a day for 15 – 20 minutes.

Bandages, dressings or ace wraps will support and immobilize your injured ankle.

Try to put a pillow under your ankle whenever you are sitting or lying down.

Physiotherapy usually helps to improve the symptoms of severe ligament damage. As the ankle is swelling and painful, the doctor will recommend that you use crutches for a walk for a few weeks.

Surgical Treatment:
If the non-surgical treatment does not make the ankle better then you another option that is surgery. Surgical options may include:

Arthroscopy is a process in which a small camera is used by the doctor, which is called an arthroscope. With this camera, the doctor looks inside the ankle joint. Loose fragments of bones or cartilage remove by using miniature instruments.

The doctor repairs the torn ligaments or tendons with the stitches or sutures. By replacing a tissue graft obtained from other ligaments or tendons with damage ligament, it can also reconstruct.

How to strengthen the ankle after ligament damage?

After the surgery, you need to keep your foot elevated; it will help the wound to heal and reduce the swelling. Your leg will be in a below-knee cast or boot for up to 6 weeks. When the cast is removed, physiotherapy might be arranged by the doctors. Exercises will help to improve the ankle balance and also to strengthen the ankle muscle. It will take 6-7 months for ligaments to heal.

The best way to prevent this ankle ligament damage is that everyone should maintain proper balance, muscle strength, and flexibility. Following are the precautions:

  • Always warm-up before any physical activity or exercise.
  • Try to pay attention when walking, jogging, working out, or running.
  • Wear comfortable and flexible shoes.
  • If you feel any pain or fatigue, then stop the activity you are doing.

“Prevention is better than a cure.”

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